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About Us!
  • We take this opportunity to introduce M/s Firescan Safety Systems Pvt. Ltd, as a progressive, independent company who is committed to provide businesses with solutions for their fire protection and safety needs. We are glad to share with you that Firescan Safety Systems Pvt. Ltd. is having license from Maharashtra Fire Services to act a licensed agency for the purpose of Fire Prevention and Life Safety Measures.
  • Buildings these days are coming closer to being intelligent from the inside, providing an evolving platform for safety and protection. And this is the space we operate in, at Firescan. We have highly specialized solutions in water-based fire protection systems, gas-based fire protection systems, fire detection and alarm systems, HVW / MVW spray systems, security and surveillance systems and intrusion alarm systems.
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  • Our mission is to make the world a safer place. To do this, we supply and install advanced fire fighting products and systems, supported by first class service.
  • Achievements of Fire Scan India, Certificates, License to act as Licensed Agency for the Purpose of Fire Prevention and Life Safety Measures.